Friday, November 21, 2008

What impact are you having on the environment?

More than ever before, products that we are using on a daily basis are harmful not just to ourselves but on the environment. What are we doing to the planet?

Those of you who have checked out this Blog page before have heard me talk about different tools and different ways to generate an income. The question what cost?
If you could make a million dollars, but in doing so destroyed your neighbourhood or your city, is it worth it? After all we only have one planet and dispite the advances made by NASA we are still nowhere near being able to relocate the population of earth to a new planet.

I wanted to take a minute to talk to you about a great business idea that I have come accross that can generate a great income whilst allowing you to do some good for the environment. Doesn't that sound like a great idea?

Have you ever thought about the damage you are doing by pouring your household chemicals down the drain? We have all heard about the environmental damage caused by large chemical plants, and are horrified when we hear about it happening (especially if this is happening in our neighbourhood).

However, we then turn around and pour our own household chemicals down the drain..."but it's only bleach" or "it's only floor cleaner" I hear you say " how much damage can that do?"..... the answer is "a lot" when you consider that you are just one of millions of people contributing to the environmental issues faced by the planet today.
"But what can I do?" I hear you say. well I say why not Tri Nature.

Tri Nature is a business offering a wide range of environmentally friendly household products at a very competitive price. And if you are going to do your bit for the planet you might as well get paid for doing your bit.

Check out the website on the link below or go to my favourite links and check out the details for yourself.

After all what sort of an example are we setting for our children. If we keep damaging the environment the way we have, what sort of legacy are we leaving for our children.
You can must make a difference. Every little bit counts and every journey starts with a single step.

Check it out today and remember just because something is good for you (or the environment) doesn't mean we can't make money off it.

Here's to your success


Saturday, October 11, 2008

Who is the Leader of your organisation?

Hi Guys,

I was just reading a very interesting post at

This post was talking about Leadership, and it got me thinking about who is the leader in your organisation. Now I know that this page is meant to serve people in Multi Level Marketing, but this post is aimed at anyone.

Who is the leader of your organisation?

Who gets things done?

If you're in multi level marketing

Who makes the calls to your prospects? (you or your upline?)

Who shows your prospects the compensation plan? (you or your upline?)

Who sends out the invitations to functions and meetings? (you or your upline?)

If your upline are doing these things for you then it is their business, not yours. You need to take the responsability for the members of your group, You need to show the leadership and teach those in your group to teach.

We become like those we assiciate with. This means that if you want to become a leader, you need to associate with leaders. Get around the leaders in your organisations and soak up the knowledge and wisdom that they have to offer.

There have been numerous books written on the subject of Leadership. One of my favourites would have to be one I have read recently called. "You don't have to have a title to be a leader" written by Mark Stanbrorn. Mark also wrote another fabulous book called " The Fred factor" which highlights the importance of attitude in everything we do. These books would be available for purchase at

I think we need to start taking resposability for our on destiny. when offered the opportunity for leadership we need to take hold with both hands and go for it. Most people avoid the spotlight of leadership because they are concerned about making mistakes. What if they did something wrong? What if they make the wrong decision?

Donald Trump, Rupert Murdoch, George W Bush, Kevin Rudd, all of these leaders have made mistakes. All of these people got to where they are today not because they were always right but because they were prepared to take risks and prepared to fail. The difference between a leader and a loser is that when a leader fails, they analize the mistakes and move on. When a loser fails they say to themselves " see I knew I couldn't do it" and stop trying. The morale of the story is " those that take the most risks win".

Won't you join me in my journey of failing my way to success.

Here's to your success


Friday, October 10, 2008

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Ebooks for your mind and spirit

Hi Guys

I've just come across a collection of rare mind power ebooks thatis sure to blow your mind away.

It holds the collective wisdom of famous authors like James Allen, Annie Besant, Charles Haanel and many more of their contemporaries - all big names in mind power and wealth manifestation.

It's a real treasure for your mind and spirit. Many people have had their lives transformed after reading writings from these great authors, and I know it will change your life too.

Here's the link:

Check it out now before the special offer ends.

Here’s to your success


Monday, September 29, 2008

Do the work once and profit for a lifetime

Write Your Own Bestseller Online!

You can be the author of your own money-making eBook! If you don't believe me, come check out these 14 powerful sure-fire tips from the world’s top ebook/Internetexperts for FREE!
You’ll learn the number one reason people don’tsucceed and how you can, the fastest ways to build your list to sell moreebooks, how to get joint-venture partners to help you sell your ebooks and muchmore!
With this insider information, anyone can write their own successfuleBook in no time! Start yours now at

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Tim Sales on MLM/Home Based Business

Tim Sales treats MLM as everybody should: As a real business check this out.

Here's to your success


Saturday, September 27, 2008

Learn How to write EBooks that sell

Hi Guys,

If you have ever thought about becoming an author, but didn't know where to start.

If you knowledge on any topic, you could write an ebook and profit from that knowledge.

Are you working for a BOSS? If you answered yes then they profit from your knowledge on a daily basis.

Don't you think it is about time that yo started to see some of those profits?

Let Ellen Violette (The E Book Coach) show you how to write ebooks that sell and how to profit from your efforts for a lifetime.

Click on the link to find out about the products available to you to start turning knowledge into cash today

Take the steps to realise your potential. After all, we have let others profit from our knowledge for years.

Here's to your success
